The competition categories are:
A. Poster for Climate Change
B. Poster for Child
C. Poster for Ocean Protection
D. Poster for Education
E. Poster for Water
Submit and Technical Requirements:
Poster must submit to email address info@posterfor.com
Email’s details must include: name, age, gender, country, email.
The number of submissions is unlimited.
All files and emails should be filled with Latin letters only.
Submitted posters should be vertical format of jpg or pdf, and sized 70 x 100 cm in 300 dpi. Maximum size of file is 20MB. The color mode must be CMYK.
The competition categories are:
A. Poster for Climate Change
B. Poster for Child
C. Poster for Ocean Protection
D. Poster for Education
E. Poster for Water
Submit and Technical Requirements:
Poster must submit to email address info@posterfor.com
Email’s details must include: name, age, gender, country, email.
The number of submissions is unlimited.
All files and emails should be filled with Latin letters only.
Submitted posters should be vertical format of jpg or pdf, and sized 70 x 100 cm in 300 dpi. Maximum size of file is 20MB. The color mode must be CMYK.
Awards and Certificate:
The golden winner in each category will be awarded with a trophy. All awarded designers will receive an Award Certificate via email.
Awards and Certificate:
The golden winner in each category will be awarded with a trophy. All awarded designers will receive an Award Certificate via email.
Winners 3rd Edition. Season 2
Congratulations to all the winners!
Winners will soon receive their award certificates by email. All selected winners are kindly requested to send high-resolution images via email for the upcoming exhibitions.
Selected winner designers in Category A/B/C/D/E/F are required to send a file with the following specifications to info@posterfor.com: 300 dpi resolution, size of 70 cm x 100 cm, and color mode CMYK.
Category A. Poster for Climate:
Gold Awards:
Marjan Khatibi_Ocean Pollution
Stefana Petrova @ Blue_Scratch-Burn Toast
Omana Katzarska_The most important message
Rose Gold Awards:
Zuzanna Pokorska_Crime Scene
Brandon Olsen_What Will Remain
Ngoc Ton NuThanh_We Plastify the Ocean the Ocean Plastify Our Reality
Zitong Zheng_Fossil Breath
Silver Awards:
Eirem Kim_Free Hug!
Marlena Hite_Act As if the House Is on Fire
Logan Levin_The Roots of Our Climate
Zhiting Wan-Soup of the Day
Ruoying Tang_Aware Climate Change
Bronze Awards:
Lina Kobayashi_ Flooded Future
Sophie Dubois _ The Disappearing Forest
Isabella Cheng_ Last Breath of the Ice
Mateo Alvarez_ Carbon Chains
Honorable Mention:
Xuanyu Zhou_Glacial Melting
Nina Petrovic_Heatwave 2050
Emily Zhao_The Melting Hourglass
Lucas Mendieta_CO₂ Ghosts
Olga Krawczyk_Warning: Expired Planet
Tina Rosario_Breathe While You Can
Anya Wong_When the Water’s Gone
Category B. Poster for Art Healing
Gold Awards:
Effie T Katchis_Art for the Soul
Rose Gold Awards:
Zhang Li_Coffee Scent For The Soul
Sara Nasser _The Canvas Remembers
Silver Awards:
Kenta Moriyama_ Silent Recovery
Chen Rannuo _ Echoes of Light
Bronze Awards:
秦霁檬_Unspoken Feelings
Jonas Rehnström_Brushstroke of Hope
Ava Thompson _Cracks in Color
Fatemeh Gholami_Healing Threads
Igor Malenko_Stillness in Motion
Category C. Poster for Food:
Gold Awards:
Rose Gold Awards:
Silver Awards:
Bronze Awards:
Category D. Poster for Future:
Gold Awards:
Zhang Li_Interaction A.I
Brandon Olsen_Work place Of Tomorrow
Rose Gold Awards:
Nemo Li-Futurestic City-D
Lena Hoffmann_ Fragments of Tomorrow
Silver Awards:
Ngoc Ton Nu Thanh_AIIs Here to Enhance Us
Zhang Li_Plant Grow Educate RGB
Akira Watanabe_ Neural Cloud
Category E. Poster for Culture:
Gold Awards:
Katarina Nikic_Ivanov
Rose Gold Awards:
Marjan Khatibi_Persepolis
Silver Awards:
Takeshi Mori _The Last One
Elena García_Flame in Silence
Bronze Awards:
Chen Yuxuan_ Tradition in Motion
Category F. Poster for 17 UN SDGs Topics:
Gold Awards:
Angie Irais Soto Tinoco_Where does it goes
Rose Gold Awards:
JihyeonChoi_Weaving Future
Sang Ryu_Save Women from Femicide
Silver Awards:
Chen Xiaoyu _Hope in a Single Thread
Bronze Awards:
Bao Tran_Children of Tomorrow
Fatima Malik_ Peace Is a Right
William Osei_ Broken, Not Silent
Category G. Drawing/Art Poster:
Gold Awards:
Yiqi Wang_扎西德勒
Rose Gold Awards:
Silver Awards:
Bronze Awards: