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Exhibition 2024 at Qingdao, China

Poster For__. 作为展览合作策划组织与合作伙伴IFIC共同打造的备受瞩目的IFIC国际艺术疗愈情绪双年展在中国青岛正式拉开帷幕。展览时间为7月17日至8月31日。展览地点为 青岛海天Mall 三层 山海艺术中心。此次展览汇集了全球范围内优秀的艺术与设计作品,旨在探索艺术与疗愈之间的深层联系。随着现代社会对心理健康重视程度的提升,艺术+疗愈已成为艺术领域中的一个新兴趋势,它不仅强调艺术作品的美学价值,更关注其在情感表达与心理治愈方面的独特作用。


本次展览精选了来自世界各地100余位艺术家的“Poster For__.”国际海报设计作品,以及国内50位艺术爱好者的绘画创作。从抽象到具象,每一件作品都是艺术家个人情感的凝练,同时也反映了当今社会普遍的心理状态。这不仅是一场视觉盛宴,更是一次心灵层面的深度交流与共鸣。

Poster For__. in collaboration with IFIC proudly presents the much-anticipated IFIC International Biennale Art Healing Emotions In Qingdao, which officially opened in Qingdao, China. The exhibition runs from July 17 to August 31 2024 at the Mountain and Sea Art Center, located on the third floor of Qingdao Haitian Mall. This exhibition brings together outstanding art and design works from around the world, aiming to explore the deep connection between art and healing. As modern society places increasing emphasis on mental health, the combination of art and therapy has emerged as a new trend in the art world, highlighting not only the aesthetic value of artworks but also their unique role in emotional expression and psychological healing.

"Art is a powerful medium that can evoke deep emotions and provide a safe space for self-expression," said Ms. Xing Yuanyuan, curator of IFIC Art Therapy. "We hope that through this emotional vessel, every visitor can find resonance, release their emotions, and feel the power of art."

The exhibition features over 100 "Poster For__." international poster designs from artists around the world, as well as paintings by 50 Chinese domestic art professionals and enthusiasts. From abstract to figurative, each piece condenses the artist's personal emotions and reflects the prevalent psychological state of contemporary society. This is not only a visual feast but also a profound exchange and resonance on a spiritual level.

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